Join Pep Band
If you are interested in becoming a member of the NU Pep Band, please get in touch with us at or fill out our Interest Form. Incoming freshmen – be sure to check out our table at the Activities Fairs held during Fall Fest!
Membership Classifications
All members of the Band are classified as either Active or Associate members, depending on their ability to meet membership requirements which are fully specified in the NUPB Membership Bylaws. All members of the Band must pay dues. If you are a dues-paying member of the Concert Band, Symphony Orchestra, and/or Wind Ensemble, dues are $10 per semester or $20 per year. If you are a member of the Pep Band only, dues are $15 per semester or $25 per year.
Active members must be full-time NU undergraduates and are allowed to vote, be a candidate for Council office, and participate with the Band on an equal basis with all other Active members. Active members are required to attend at least eight games and half of all rehearsals each semester. Multiple unexcused absences from games and rehearsals can demote you to an Associate member.
Associate members are those who are not full-time NU undergraduate students, or returning members who aren’t able to meet the requirements of an Active member because classes and/or co-op are particularly difficult in a certain semester. Associate members can still participate in the Band with a temporarily more relaxed commitment for one semester. We also accept members unaffiliated with the University on an individual basis for Associate membership. Associate members are not permitted to vote, be a Council officer, or a candidate for Council office in the current semester, or participate with the Band without the approval of the Director.
The Pep Band rehearses on Monday evenings, from 8:30p – 10:00p in the Fenway Center (77 St. Stephen Street). Fall rehearsals run September through November and spring rehearsals run January through March.
We play at home games for Women’s Volleyball, Men’s and Women’s Basketball, and Men’s and Women’s Hockey. Nobody is expected to play for every single game (though you can if you want to!), but to ensure we have a consistent Band presence each time, the Director will assign you to specific games throughout the season, aligning your assignments with your schedule as conveniently for you as possible. At the beginning of each season, members fill out an availability form, and games are assigned based on individual availability.
Uniform Components:
- Polo – A Band-owned black polo assigned to you at the beginning of each semester (or year) by the Managers.
- Hat – A red hat is permanently assigned to you by the Treasurer the first time you pay dues to the Band. Lost hats may be purchased from the Band for $10.
- Pants – You must provide your own blue jeans (no rips or holes).
- Socks/Shoe – Black socks, black shoes. All black, no colored accents.
- Jersey – Band-owned hockey jerseys embroidered with “Pep Band” on the back are used for hockey games instead of polos, and are borrowed and returned before and after each game.
Instrument Loans
Members are often able to borrow Band-owned instruments if they are unable to furnish their own. Since our inventory is limited, our instruments might be loaned on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on anticipated demand. Loans are handled by the Managers and can be easily signed out during the first few rehearsals of each semester.
The Pep Band uses flip books for its performances, maintained by our Librarians. Each member is loaned a book at the beginning of the year and is responsible for keeping it in good condition. The books are then returned at the end of the year.
You can get complete information about membership in the NU Pep Band here:
NUPB Members’ Handbook
NUPB Governing Documents